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Herd / Stado. Karolina Bielawska

Designer: Damian Nowak, Parastudio*
Publisher: Bored Wolves
Year: 2023
Damian Nowak

In "Herd / Stado", artist Karolina Bielawska unveils the inner workings of her painting practice, tracing the process from rarely seen works on paper to large-scale acrylic and bitumen canvases. Designed by Damian Nowak, the book draws from Bielawska’s Warsaw studio, filled with sketchbooks and pencil drawings that reflect her persistent curiosity. Bielawska’s sweeping assemblages—the titular herd—adapt fluidly to their surroundings but originate as humble scraps on a tabletop. In nine concise texts, she explores the challenges of creation, from doubt to breakthrough, culminating in the thrill of seeing the herd emerge on the horizon.

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